Culture, Fashion, Trends & Eco friendliness



Code Noir Style, Fashion Business

Cele 10 piese inconturnabile din garderoba unei adevarate frantuzoaice

M-am gandit sa descifram fenomenul impreuna si sa punem degetul pe rana acolo unde doare: din ce este creat stilul vestimentar al unei frantuzoaice si care sunt elementele cheie. O sa iau pe rand 10 piese indispensabile din garderoba frantuzoaicelor asa cum le stiu de mai bine de 20 ani de cand locuiesc la Paris si o sa vorbim despre fiecare dintre ele, dincolo de idei preconcepute si clisee. Uitati tot ce credeti ca stiti sau va imaginati privind frantuzoaicele…

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Code Noir Style, English Please #EN

Vanessa Seward meets APC for Paris Fashion Week

Former designer for Azzaro, Vanessa Seward is the designer of the Fall-Autumn 2012 collection for the french brand APC. Born in Buenos Aires, Vanessa Seward was named in 2002 to assist Loris Azzaro and was named artistic director of Azzaro in 2003, when the designer died. She ressigned last year in March, few weeks after showing the Fall- Winter 2011 collection. The designer collaborated also with the French home shopping company La Redoute for a chic line for Fall –…

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