Culture, Fashion, Trends & Eco friendliness


Le Bon Marché

Code Noir Style, Fashion Business, News, Sustainability

Crăciun 2021 – magia vitrinelor pariziene între tradiție și reciclare

Vitrinele de Crăciun au devenit de-a lungul anilor o adevărată tradiție, ocazie cu care marile magazine sau brandurile de lux mizează pe magie și se întrec în creativitate. Ca în fiecare an, am făcut o plimbare prin Paris de pe Rive Droite pe Rive Gauche să văd ce povești au pregătit de data aceasta pentru Crăciun 2021. La marile magazine de pe Rive Droite, mi-a plăcut să văd că reciclarea și responsabilitatea față de modă sunt parte esențială din concept.  Vitrinele…

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Code Noir Style, English Please #EN

Spring 2016 already in stores

It is not yet warm, but spring collections are ready and awaiting colorful for clients in parisian stores. I always loved to see summer pieces at the beginning of the year, it is like a hint of what summer will feel like and sound like. And this gives you good vibes even in the most grey and rainy day ever, the usual treat of the parisian weather. This time I got so excited about the summer feeling that my smartphone…

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Code Noir Style, English Please #EN

Ai Wei Wei and Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche

About Ai Wei Wei I have mixed emotions – I don’t always like what he does, but that must be also the purpose of an artist, to shake a bit your visual habits and limits. Le Bon Marché is a place I love, a pace I’ve knows since very long time, a place where shopping is a cultural and original experience, not just an upmarket store. Being part of the LVMH luxury group, one can fully understand why art and…

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Code Noir Style, English Please #EN

Christmas 2012 in Paris and department stores’s windows

Christmas in Paris is an exected surprise for all of us: big ones as well as the small ones. So, what is Paris showing us in December? * Le Bon Marché – Christmas on Rive gauche Passage Printemps – Christmas on Rive droite Christmas with Dior at Printemps, Boulevard Haussmann Christmas with Barbie at Galeries Lafayette, Boulevard Haussmann The magic Christmas tree of Galeries Lafayette, Haussmann

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