Culture, Fashion, Trends & Eco friendliness



Code Noir Style

Fashion Week Fall 2017 – mai vor bărbații costume?

O dată prezentările pre-colecțiilor feminine de toamnă 2017 terminate, am luat-o curajos de la capăt cu Menswear Fashion Week. Spun «curajos» pentru că în ultimii ani importanța și numărul colecțiilor pentru bărbați au crescut așa mult încât rivalizează cu show-urile feminine. Temperaturile scăzute de afară au făcut să fie mai ușor pentru domni să-și imagineze ce-și doresc pentru iarna următoare uitându-se la podium. Sau ce ar fi vrut și nu au găsit în magazine și colecțiile de anul trecut. Este…

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Code Noir Style, English Please #EN

Spring 2016 already in stores

It is not yet warm, but spring collections are ready and awaiting colorful for clients in parisian stores. I always loved to see summer pieces at the beginning of the year, it is like a hint of what summer will feel like and sound like. And this gives you good vibes even in the most grey and rainy day ever, the usual treat of the parisian weather. This time I got so excited about the summer feeling that my smartphone…

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Code Noir Style, English Please #EN

Prada’s 2016 neo-collars

Winter didn’t really started, I haven’t yet bought one Christmas presents or finished to book my flights, and all I think is about next summer. Yep, I’m a summer person and will always be. And when it comes to Prada’s ability to come up with incredible accessories, I’m all 2016 summerish. The talent for details and accessories is a skill at Miuccia Prada who transforms it effortless in best sellers and worldwide highly copied items, such as this collar-scarf-trasparent-lace-Audrey Heburn meets…

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Code Noir Style, English Please #EN

The good, the bad and the ugly — the 85th Oscars ceremony & Vanity Fair after-party

Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers. And style is what you choose. Lauren Hutton The Oscars are always a very expected and highly prepared moment of the year – loads of celebrities, jewelry and tons of dresses. I always liked the kind of respect actors have for this event – compared with Golden Globe or other largely broadcasted events, the dress code is quite strict and followed by the book. There’s no room for being…

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Code Noir Style, English Please #EN

Prada 24h Museum in Paris

24 h Museum 24 – 25 January 2012 This was Prada’s idea for the Parisian Fashion Week. A 24 h Museum designed by Francesco Vezzoli with AMO, the think tank of dutch architect Rem Koolhaas’s OMA studio. Known for her previous ephemeral museums and art projects (The Double Club in London or Prada Transformer in Seoul) and her passion for contemporary art, designer Miuccia Prada decided to open on Tuesday 24 January  till Wednesday 25 January in the historic Palais…

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