Culture, Fashion, Trends & Eco friendliness


jane birkin

Arts & Culture, Code Noir Style, Fashion Business, News, Stories

Bonne nuit, Mademoiselle Jeanmaire!

Părul negru tuns à la garçonne, o pereche de ochi imenși, o siluetă sculptată de un corset și picioare interminabile – așa era Zizi Jeanmaire pentru mine. Mademoiselle Jeanmaire, cum o numeau Serge Gainsbourg, cântăreața Barbara sau Yves Saint Laurent, ne-a părăsit cu discreție vineri, 17 iulie, la vârsta de 96 ani. Pe Zizi Jeanmaire am descoperit-o cu celebrul “Mon truc en plume”, un număr coregrafic de music-hall care m-a marcat multe zile la rând după ce l-am văzut prima…

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Code Noir Style, English Please #EN

Jane & The Crocodiles

If I’ve been one of Jane Birkin’s admirers it was first because of her relaxed and cheeky style. She dared being herself while in the spotlight as John Barry or Serge Gainsbourg lover. Who doesn’t remember her evening looks when in 1977 she added a straw basket to a very long & glittery trousers and it was perfect. Called a haute- hippie, Birkin was BoHo before even the idea of bohemian chic was born. But that’s not the reason of…

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